Location: South Union Mennonite Church, 56 St. Route 508, West Liberty OH – Phone:(937)465-6085
Hours per week:
1st Wednesday of the Month – 12:00-2:00pm
2nd Wednesday of the Month – 4:30-6:30pm
3rd Wednesday of the Month – Closed for the Second Harvest Food Truck and West Liberty Methodist Church for Logan County Residents.
4th Wednesday of the Month – 12:00-2:00pm
5th Wednesday of the Month 12:00-2:00pm
West Liberty Cares offers:
- Food Pantry
- Emergency Fund
- Clothing Vouchers
- Grocery Vouchers
to residents of the West Liberty-Salem School District. Living in the school district is the only qualification.
For further information about these ministries, please view the link to the West Liberty Cares brochure or call Oak Grove at (937)465-4749.